It's Oscar Sunday! We're a little over halfway through the awards. The girls are still up – 10:08 PM – but they don't have school tomorrow so I guess it's OK. We had a busy day – Sunday School, then lunch, then YogiBerry (yum!), then book club, then prep for the Oscars, and now Oscars.
Maybe the girls will have memories when they grow up of the Oscars and their mom and grandma being so excited and loving the show.
Now, the Oscar goes to…
Oops. I mean… Without further ado…
Degree of cuteness of M&A: infinity
New members of our family: 4 (neon tetras, who seem to be acclimating quite well)
Sweets eaten by M&A today: wayyyy too many – donut holes at book club, yogiberry with tons of toppings, mochi after dinner, even strawberry waffles. Eesh.
Hours it will take me to tabulate Oscar ballots and write a summary email tonight – at least 1
Questions in our Fantastic Mr. Fox discussion today: about 25
New kid apps downloaded to my iPad: 4
Miles run by Mommy today: 8 (woo-hoo!)
ADDITIONAL boxes of Girl Scout Cookies bought by me on the street yesterday: 3 (sadly, no Samoas left for Maddie 🙁 )
Today, when we got home from book club, I parked in front of the house. M opened the sunroof of the car, and then she and A stood on the seats and stuck their heads out of sunroof and called to people driving by to see if they would wave. Then they started saying, "Please give us money – bring money to the car – and come see the two-headed orphan. One body, four arms!", as they had their arms around each other. Very cute. A few people did wave.
We have parent-teacher conferences tomorrow and are looking forward to hearing how M&A are doing. Daddy leaves tomorrow evening for a trip 'til Friday. And Tuesday is Imogene's birthday, so we will give her presents and cake tomorrow since she is taking Tuesday off.