The Weekend By The Numbers

Years since M&A's birth: 6 and a half, today!

Cupcakes made to celebrate the occasion: 17

Time A woke up today: 8 AM

Adjusted time A woke up today: 7 PM

New book club books started: 1 (Sarah Plain and Tall)

Hours of rehearsal this weekend: 2.75 (they got out 15 minutes early today)

Musicals seen by Mommy and Daddy: 1 (Hair)

Large leaf piles outside our house: 1

Homemade meals made: several – crockpot sausage casserole (yes, sounds weird), crockpot beef/vegetable soup for M, TJ's beef dish (yum), waffles and pancakes

 Huge grocery shopping trips: 1

I have some funny pictures from our half-birthday celebration tonight which I will upload tomorrow.

1 comment

a says:

Happy half-birthday girls! I’m looking forward to the photos.
Aunt Ann

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