The Weekend In Photos

Wow – so much to report from the last few days. I don't even know where to start! I have a lot of photos so, I will let the pictures tell the story!

First of all, Emily graduated from high school over the weekend! Very exciting. We are all so proud of her, especially because she won the flag on Saturday! That means she had the highest GPA of anyone in the whole school. We went to Flag Day on Saturday and graduation in the Cathedral yesterday. One special part: because Grampy is on the board of directors at NCS, he was able to help give Emily her diploma. Here are some pictures. One cute thing: M talked to Imogene today on the phone (Imogene was out of town today) and the first thing she told her was that Emily had won the flag.


Some other news. The girls did their polar bear/iguana reports today. I made the mistake of asking how their reports went. A was in tears within 3 minutes. She said that no one asked questions, that no one clapped. Apparently, those aren't true – people DID clap, according to M, and she got three "questions": 1) Why did you pick pink for the posterboard? 2) Humpback whales are cooler than polar bears. and 3) I love love love love love polar bears. (I can see why she was upset). M said her report went well and that she got a lot of questions about iguanas. She also told A that she saw that Mrs. Haigler had written "Awesome job!" on both reports, which didn't make A feel any better. Here are pictures of the reports:



And finally, we celebrated Grandma Sandy's birthday last week with a beautiful cake and dinner. Here are some photos, thanks to Grandma Sandy!




1 comment

a says:

This is a very interesting blog, and the photos are wonderful. Tell A that I love polar bears, and she did a great job. I love iguanas too, and she also did a great job. Good work, girls. Again, congratulations to Grandma Sandy on her birthday.
Aunt Ann

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