The World According to M

Today is a big Friday in the girls' class. It's Picture Day (both girls are wearing dresses and have their hair up with blue ribbons). It's also Library Day, where they get to take a book out of the school library. And it's Treasure Chest Day, where they get to pick from the Treasure Chest if they've been good all week (which they have). Finally, I am reading books in their class in an hour. Very excited! We chose four books: Madeline, Too Too Many Tutus, What Are You So Grumpy About? and Knuffle Bunny. I am not sure we will get to all four.

When I uploaded photos from the camera a few days ago, I found some that M had taken. It's always fun to see her pictures. Here they are:

M's bed. She likes it really flat:


M's animals:


A's bed and animals:



A at dresser:


The girls thought this mishap was very funny:


OK, I took this one:


Some of M's tangram puzzles:





1 comment

a says:

M is a wonderful photographer. Her pictures are really cute. All the photos are great, and the girls are as beautiful as ever. I hope it was fun to read to the class.
Aunt Ann

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