Then We Came To The End

Happy New Year!

Tonight is, sadly,the last night of winter vacation. The girls don’t go back to school until Friday, but we have work tomorrow, so our vacation is done. I have had a very good time at home with M&A the last week and a half. Before bed tonight, we listed a lot of the fun things we have done since they got out of school:

  • Saw The Nutcracker ballet and puppet show.
  • Saw a special puppet show yesterday of Swimmy, Frederick, and Inch by Inch.
  • Had two haircuts.
  • Spent Christmas at Grampy and Nana’s.
  • Saw Pat’s Christmas tree.
  • Did a lot of dancing.
  • Baked cookies – five batches – and peppermint bark.
  • Did a lot of errands – TV store, furniture store.
  • Got to see a lot of Buppie, who babysat 3 nights! (Daddy and I saw four movies: Atonement, Charlie Wilson’s War, The Savages, and Juno).
  • Went to a movie (which the girls lasted through half of – Enchanted.).
  • Had a playdate with Lily.
  • Helped Mommy clean up the whole house.
  • Read a lot of books.

There are a lot of things I am leaving out. One theme of the vacation was having Ribbit, the class frog, here at home with us. We took many photos of Ribbit doing things with us, which we have put into the Ribbit journal that will go back to school with the girls on Friday. Here are some of my favorites:

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  • Img_0114Img_0125Img_0133Img_0141Ribbit

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Thanks for the great photos. You certainly did so very much over this vacation. The best thing was — you were all together. I love you all.

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