There’s Money In The Lemonade Stand

Today, the girls and Addie had a lemonade stand at the end of our street. It was a smashing success. They sold lemonade (25 cents), punch (25 cents), cookies with chocolate centers (25 cents) and oversized rice krispy treats (75 cents). Despite cloudy, cool weather and our suggestions that it might not be the best day to have a lemonade stand, traffic was brisk! We had a lot of patrons that we knew, and several who came on their own, due to the advantageous location. Those we knew: Grampy, Jenna and Patrick (our next door neighbors), Anna and Marta's little sister (we were in front of her house), Lucy from down the street (I called her parents to tell them to come), and some TSNS friends from across the street. Dan's cousin Bill stopped by as well, though I am not sure that he realized initially that he was related to the cute girls selling lemonade (he lives around the corner).

The girls made $20.15 (the 15 cents was due to some loose change that Grampy threw in), and I rounded it up to $21 so each girl made an even $7. They were each VERY excited. A keeps saying that when we go to the store to buy things, SHE will pay, NOT MOMMY. She has her eye on a dress-up dress that we saw at the theater last night. Cost: $56.

Other highlights of the day: park with Daddy and Addie and Frank and Sam, Meiwah for dinner, and swimming lessons this AM. But the lemonade stand was the best part.

Below are some photos – I am very behind. Here are some from the beach, some from the girls running the bases at the Nats game last Sunday, a few from meeting the actors last night, and some from the lemonade stand. Enjoy!

Girls1 Girls2 Girls3 Girls4 Beach1 Beach2 Beach3 Beach5 Beach6 Beach7 Beach8 Bases1 Bases3   Lyle1 Lyle2 Lemon1 Lemon2 Lemon3 Lemon4  Lemon5 Lemon6 Lemon7

1 comment

a says:

It was such fun reading about the girls and their lemonade stand. To them $7 is a fortune. It’s so cute. Thanks for all the great
photos and for sharing all of this.
Aunt Ann

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