Three Day Weekend Saturday

We had a pretty quiet day at home today. The girls had ballet but that was our only structured activity. I went through the basement storage room and moved a TON of girls' clothes out and located all of our baby stuff. Thankfully we kept a lot of it and today found our co-sleeper, pack'n'play, bath seats, jumper, umbrella stroller, gyminis, and a whle bunch of other stuff. I am now going through all the girls' clothes and separating them into piles – stuff to sell, stuff to donate, stuff for Sydney and her future sister, and stuff for a friend in the neighborhood with a three year-old girl. I am also keeping stuff that the girls wore that I loved and can't bear to part with (especially their adorable red (A) and blue (M) sneakers. AWWWW.

M and I had a fun game of Rummy-O which she won.

Tonight we had a hip night in Bethesda with the girls – Five Guys for burgers, Barnes & Noble so M could spend her $15 gift card from her speech therapist, and Yogiberry. Unfortunatly I was totally spent by then and needed to get my feet up so I waited out the yogurt in the car. (They brought some to me!)

From Daddy: On the way to the yogurt place, Daddy was on his blackberry and the girls gave him a hard time about it. He said that there were some crises happening at work. M asked some questions, and Daddy answered them, and then M asked if it would be in the newspaper tomorrow. Daddy said probably. M said, "So, you're giving us an exclusive!"

Last Saturday Tequila and Grandma Sandy babysat and M took a bunch of photos with my camera, with some direction from the pros. Here are some of the pics she took:












Many more pictures to come tomorrow.





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