I have gotten behind in posting and many momentous things have happened!
ALL THREE KIDS ARE HOME AND TOGETHER! N returned from camp on Sunday, A returned from London/Ibiza on Sunday, and M came home from Boston on Saturday! So nice to have all the kids under one roof. N had a great second session at camp and came home tired, happy and taller. He is glad to be reunited with baseball (which he hasn’t been able to watch yet bc Nats had an off day on Monday) and his iPad.

N enjoyed a dinner from Surfside and welcome home visits from Grandma Sandy and Nana (and Grampy on Monday).
It is SO good to have him home!
He even came to see the store on Monday.

Yesterday we drove to Shohola for 2 days at Ron Dee Vous en route to Martha’s Vineyard. We’ve had a mellow day today – some kayaking, some bocce, a fancy dinner in nearby NY, a lovely dinner made by Dina last night at home, and lots of hanging out. We leave in the AM to drive to MA to catch the ferry to MV.
Grandma did individual family group pics this year since we couldn’t be all together at any point this summer. Here are the kids posing:

Ok it’s late and we are all tired. It has been a fun start to vacation and great having the kids all together. Thank you to Grandpa Ron and Grandma Dina for hosting us again!