Three-Day Weekend Sunday

Today was a day when we did a lot of things that we had been talking about doing for a long time.

First, this morning, we put away all the glass animals that we brought over from Buppie's house. This is a collection of animals that I had grown since I was a little girl. A few weeks ago, we wrapped them all up in tissue paper and brought them here. I found a white display cabinet at a garage sale, and it fits the animals perfectly. After the girls (plus Lolly) woke up at the ungodly hour of 6:45 AM, it was a good activity for all three girls. We carefully unwrapped all the packages and put the animals away in their new home.

After Sunday School, we made tie dye shirts using the tie dye kit M bought yesterday with her tooth fairy money. We made three shirts – one for each of the girls and one for me using a white shirt from my drawer. I am very eager to see how they come out. I had always wanted to do a tie die birthday party for the girls some year – now, not so much. It's stressful and messy.

Then we went swimming at Wilson Pool, something else we've wanted to do for a few weekends in a row. We only got there about an hour before it closed, but the girls did some good swimming.

Kind of a long day… especially since poor Daddy had to work from 9 until 5.

Tomorrow we are going pumpkin picking with the Kohn/Murphy clan.

Here is a photo of the girls (Lolly, M & A) at the TSNS playground before Sunday School, and a picture of M without her four teeth.




1 comment

a says:

You certainly had a busy but fun weekend. I’d love to see your new cabinet with the glass animals. M looks so cute without her four teeth.
Aunt Ann

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