Time For A Quiz

I think it's time for a good ol' M&A multiple choice quiz. How well do you know the girls?

1. Who always carries the ballet bag to and from ballet?

    a) M

    b) A

2. Who did their recent Native American tribe research report on the Crow tribe?

    a) M

    b) A

    c) both

    d) neither

3. Who is a math tutor?

    a) A

    b) M

4. Who is on math team?

    a) A

    b) M

5. Who does not like pepperoni on her pizza?

    a) A

    b) M

6. Who is a scout soldier in te Nutcracker this year?

    a) M

    b) A

    c) both

    d) neither

7. Who walks faster?

    a) A

    b) M

8. Whose class is usually dismissed last from school?

    a) A

    b) M

9. Who likes minty stuff?

    a) A

    b) M

10. Who likes to dangle N upside down, which I hate?

    a) A

    b) M


Answers tomorrow!



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