Today, In Brief

It’s 11:51 PM and I need to get this post up by midnight so it will be from today. So this will be short.

M skipped camp to rest her foot…

She wore her new tankini and dress from our spree at Old Navy…

A went to camp solo…

She said she cried at camp because she missed M (not sure that’s true)…

M is better today…

Someone in their camp room has lice…

Towels were washed in hot water tonight…

Tonight we played with Lego mosaic game. It is labor-intensive and Mommy ended up finishing the Lego mosaics…

Tomorrow I am co-hosting a baby shower here for two co-workers…

M&A will sort the presents according to the name on the card… Mikey will be here to entertain them.

4 minutes til midnight!

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