Ear Infection

Today was an unusual Saturday: we had to split up the girls this morning. A wasn’t feeling well last night, so this morning we decided to take her to the doctor. I took her, while M went to the post office with Daddy. A was a very big girl at the doctor and didn’t cry at all. We had a deal – everything that the doctor had to do to A, she did to Mommy first. So I got weighed and "had my temperature taken" and had my ears looked at, and A was very brave and didn’t complain at all. As we feared, she has an ear infection. This meant that she couldn’t go to gymnastics or to the gymnastics birthday party we were invited to afterwards. (Not in the same gymnastics place, unfortunately).

So… A stayed home this morning and watched movies with A, while I took M to gymnastics and the party. A was a very good sport about it – she didn’t complain at all about missing the activities (which makes me think that she *really* wasn’t feeling well.) 

But here is the cutest thing: after the doctor’s appointment, I called Daddy to tell him that we were done. A asked if she could talk to M. So I gave A the phone and Daddy gave M his phone, so they could talk. (HOW CUTE IS THAT?)  M asked A about the doctor, whether she had to have a shot, etc. and A told her that she didn’t cry and that she was getting medicine.

I realized that the girls are never apart. Not even for a half an hour a day. Of course they missed each other.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Please tell A I am very proud of the way she behaved at the doctor’s office. I hope she feels better very soon.

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