Second Week of School

Today when I got to school to drop off the girls, I was greeted by this sight at the doors (the woman on the right):


She is Lynn Main, the girls' principal. She is a force to be reckoned with. She is not soft and cuddly like the TSNS principal. She said to us, "Girls, welcome to school. It is time to say goodbye to Mommy and send her on her way." Yes, this is the beginning of the second week, and parents are no longer welcome to walk their kids into the K classroom. (Sniff!). I was too scared to defy the principal, so I said goodbye to the girls at the door and sent them on their way. A was sad – she looked like she was on the verge of crying, but M just marched in confidently. Principal Main said, "I will walk them to their classroom," and M said, "I know where it is!"

Such big girls.

At school, they had to draw a picture that depicted somethings fun they did in August. A did a picture of her on the rings on the playground, from the first day of school, and M, a bit confused about when August was, drew a picture of her riding her bike in North Carolina and me videotaping her (which we did last June).

We got a big packet of info from the teacher today with all kinds of instructions and guidelines for the school year. Back to School night is this Wednesday.

Two other things:

  • Tonight, in the monitor, I heard A say to M, "You are the best sister in the world!"
  • M liked the shirt I wore to work today. She said she wants me to keep it for her, and when I got home from work, she asked if she could take a picure of me in it.
  • After school, the girls called me on the phone, and M said, "I am having fun on the playground with Nana, but I am really excited to give you a big hug and a kiss when you get home."


1 comment

a says:

M and A are making a wonderful adjustment. Sorry this principal is not more like their pre-school principal. But this is part of M and A’s growing up in this world. I hope their kindergarten teacher is more “soft and cuddly” and is a really kind and understanding person. The girls seemed to enjoy the first week of school. I have a feeling that they will end up being the teacher’s “star” pupils.
Aunt Ann

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