
The girls have a very early morning tomorrow and a long day. I need to be at a presentation at 8 AM downtown, which means dropping the girls off early at camp at 7:30, which means getting them up at the ungodly hour of 6:30. They will not be happy when I wake them up. Clothes are set out, lunches are packed… but that doesn't mean we won't be rushed.

Then, after camp, they have ballet. Then there is an art show at the camp at 6:30 PM. It's going to be a very long day.

I hope that we all make it through the day. 🙂

As for today – the girls had a good day at camp. And, Uncle Jason, Imogene told me that they ate almost their entire lunch.


Aww sorry you had a rough morning! Presentation was great though 🙂

Aww, thanks Larissa! Thanks for organizing, as always!

Uncle Jason says:

I stand corrected 😉

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