
Tonight was a special night. After I got home from work, it rained a bit. Then Imogene left to catch the bus. She called me from the bus stop to tell me that there was a beautiful rainbow outside. We had to go outside to see it, because we didn’t have a great view of it from inside. So we went outside – girls wearing pajamas, princess dresses, and Crocs, and we walked down to the bus stop where Imogene was still waiting. The rainbow was gorgeous and we watched it for a while. Then we walked back home – the girls carrying Imogene’s large umbrella. They looked adorable. I got a few photos of them – soo cute.

Rainbow_2 Img00023_6

Tonight A was upset because she wanted to wear a nightgown, and we only have one and it was in the laundry. She started to get upset because she said she didn’t want to wear a "half nightgown" (a t-shirt), and she didn’t want to wear pajamas. So I thought quickly and brought her into my room and got her a t-shirt from my drawer. She loved it. She is sleeping in it right now and it looks great on her. She kept saying to M, "This is Mommy’s!"

Tonight A stood on an upside down booster seat and said she was standing on a lily pad and couldn’t get off because she’d go in the water.

There’s a song that I am trying to remember – a song whose title the girls get wrong – and I can’t remember what it was. It’s driving me nuts! M will probably remember what it was.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

M and A look adorable in the photos of them holding the umbrella. Mommy you are so clever to think of using your T-shirt as a nightgown for A. So cute.

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