Tooth Fairy Message

Last night, A left a note for the Tooth Fairy. She said she wanted to see her, and was wondering if she might pay A a visit. This morning, A woke up to a message from the Tooth Fairy that said that she was very busy and only had time to stop at houses of kids who had lost teeth. She also said that she couldn't see A, because if a kid sees her, she loses her magic powers. She also said that she had looked at A's dental records, and consulted with Dr. Dana, and that she thought A would be losing some teeth soon. Finally, she encouraged A, as well as M, and Daddy and me, to keep brushing. A was very excited to read the note. I was struck by the fact that the Tooth Fairy and Daddy sound a lot alike.

Imogene was sick today (sadly, wasn't feeling well on her birthday either). So she stayed home, and Grandma Sandy picked the girls up from school. It sounds like they had a great time – some coloring, some exploring, some matrushka dolls, some snacks. Thank you to Grandma for covering until I could get home!

I have some funny pictures and video from last night, when the girls stuffed blankets into their pajamas (while they were wearing them). Will post later this week.

Tonight we read Lady and the Tramp (A's choice) and then the girls read books to us.

1 comment

a says:

The Tooth Fairy was very diplomatic in it’s reply to A’s request. How cute! I’m anxious to see the photos of M and A with blankets stuffed into their pajamas. Grandma Sandy can always be counted on for help. She’s a great person and loves all of you so much — as do I.
Love, hugs and kisses,
Aunt Ann

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