Tough Questions

Happy first night of Hanukah!

Two memorable things from today – one funny and one serious.

Funny: I came home from running some errands, and M said, "We’re playing Sneak and Hide with Sammy and Rachel!" (Sammy and Rachel are two newly named stuffed animals.) "Watch us play Sneak and Hide!"  She then took the animals and put them in another room and asked A to look for them. Then I realized she was playing Hide and Seek but had the name off a little. So cute.

Serious: M & A had a playdate today with their friend Aidan, whose grandfather passed away almost a year ago. Tonight, M told me that Aidan doesn’t have a grandfather anymore. I asked her why. She said that he died. I nodded and said, yes, he did, and it’s very sad. She then said, "Well, when will he come back? I want to see him again. And Aidan’s mommy wants to see him too."

Deep breath.

How do you answer that question when your 3-year old asks it? How do you tell her that no, he’s not going to come back, and not have her start worrying if I will go away too? God, it’s hard.

I stumbled through an answer – I don’t even remember what I said. Thankfully, she didn’t dwell on it for too long, but I know it will come up again.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Your daughters are so exceptional, so bright, and so curious. It is difficult when the subject of death comes up. As you know, you must answer truthfully, or else M and A (when they learn the truth)
will begin to doubt you. Right now you are their best friend, their best teacher, the one they believe will always be honest with them. Good luck with this subject. It’s a tough one.

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