Tournament of Champions and Father’s Day

This weekend was the Little League Tournament of Champions. This means that the Reds played the winner of the Upcounty MCLL Championship yesterday, and because they won yesterday, they went on to play another regional winner today. Yesterday’s game was a blowout – the Reds won 17-6 and the game was called in the 4th because the Reds were up by more than 10. Today’s game was a lot more competitive. Despite having a number of “rented” players to fill in for Reds’ players who were away, the Reds hung in there and ended up losing by only one run, 5-4. It was very close in the end. If the final call had been a ball instead of a strike, the game would have been tied.

The best part of the game was that N pitched two scoreless innings. He did a great job! He also had some good defensive plays.

Also it was nice – the players were all introduced by name at the beginning and as they came to the plate, and they sang the national anthem at the beginning of the game.

Today is also Father’s Day! We had a lovely brunch on the back patio in gorgeous weather before heading back up to Thurmont (home of Camp Airy and Dad Camping and Cunningham Falls) for the baseball game. Then we had a nice dinner tonight here with Grampy.

Some pics from the game and the FD celebrations and the weekend: