Tuesday Miscellany

Tonight I came home from work to find the girls deep in their homework assignments for the night: some shape sequencing games, connecting capital to lower case letters, and putting some images in order that show a girl planting and growing some flowers. They both did a good job and the homework is in their backpacks ready to go back to school tomorrow.

M remembers everything. Today I said "Girls, you need to wear something not that fancy today because you have art class." M said, "Mommy! Today is Tuesday, not Monday!" She remembered we had had a three-day weekend, and I didn't!! She also reminded me yesterday to collect my tupperware before leaving our friends's house last night, which contained the cookies we had brought.

M's tooth is getting looser. A loves the movie "Grease", which we played for her over the weekend.

I always tell the girls that I have two rules. (I'm sure I will develop more over time). The rules are: 1) stand still and don't wiggle while I brush teeth; and 2) the bath water must stay in the bath.

1 comment

a says:

Please tell M and A that I’m very proud of them for doing such a great job with their homework. They seem so “grown-up” and are such responsible individuals. I know how proud both mommy and daddy must be.
Lots of love,
Aunt Ann

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