Two Memorable Anecdotes

Tonight, M said to me, "Mommy, I love you the mostest. You are my best friend." A overheard this and said, "But what about me?" And M said, "A, I definitely love you. You are my sister."

A came downstairs tonight with the following items: a plastic necklace around her neck; a ballerina puppet; and Piggy and Bunny. She laid out Piggy and Bunny on the floor, very neatly, next to each other. Then she pulled the necklace out, taut, parallel to the floor. Then she took the ballerina puppet and "walked" it across the necklace. She said that the ballerina was walking on a tightrope and that Piggy and Bunny were the inflatable safety mats under the tightrope.

Tonight, A also sang a song called "Jury Duty" and did a hysterical dance to it.

We spent a long time tonight reading the dog breed book and learning about different breeds. A likes long-haired dogs like bearded collies and sheepdogs. They both like to look at the basenji page.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

It was fun to read about your two seders and how cute the girls were. How nice that all of you were with “family” for the seders.
It’s so wonderful that M and A are so loving, which I think is a reflection on how they are being raised. You and Dan are such loving parents.

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