Two Stories

I have a lot of photos to upload – from today's ballet recital and from the girls' Veterans Day performance last Wednesday. I will upload tomorrow – right now I am sitting at Nutcracker rehearsal and it will tax the wireless to get them up now. Suffice it to say, they are very cute. 🙂

The recital today was nice. It was pretty much a regular class that parents could observe. M seemed a little low energy, but she did a great job. A was smiling throughout. Then we went to a furniture store, came home, and hung out until it was time for rehearsal.

I have learned that the girls will wear wigs as bumblebees, which means that it doesn't matter that Mommy makes terrible buns.

I have some cute notes to share. First up is a story that A wrote for me.


Dogs are cute and they're small and big. Some bite, some don't. I love dogs.

And here is a song that M wrote about A. Adorable.

I love my sister. Her name is A. She's mione and I want to keep her forever. I love her she's so nice, but sometimes we fight. She always draws pictures for me. My name's M and I'm writing about A. She's very smart and funny. She sings so good she sings better than me. She is so good at writing. I love to play with her, but she sometimes says no. When I'm in high school and I don't get to see her I will call her every hour. And when I see her I will run to her and give her a huge hug. Peace sign isn't just a quiet sign, but it means love too and that is how I love her. When I feel the air running in my hair and the sun is shining in my head I picture A smiling at me. When I picture A in my head smiling at her for about 30 minutes.


a says:

I love this blog. A’s story about dogs is wonderful. And M’s love for A is so beautifully expressed. Two wonderful and talented girls.
Aunt Ann

Pat Burke says:

I had to comment on the lovely thoughts of M for A — your girls are incredible and I am happy to read about them daily!
Pat (Grandma Sandy’s friend from Flordia)

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