Two Stories Featuring Buppie

2 cute stories:

1) Buppie went on Sunday night to the same Indian restaurant we had gone to the night before. When she got there, she took out a photo of M & A and asked the owner if he remembered seeing them there the night before. According to Buppie, he said that the girls were extremely well behaved. He said he is usually not excited when he sees little kids walking into the restaurant, but that M & A were the best-behaved kids he had ever seen. He said they were responsive, said "please" and "thank you", and were just overall very good. Then – and here’s the kicker – he asked my mom if he could keep the photo! (I think she said yes).

2) Tonight, when I got home from work, A come down the stairs wearing pajamas and a white blanket wrapped around her like a bath towel. After first complaining that M had knocked her over in the bathtub, she then told me that she was a bride getting ready for her wedding, hence the white "dress." I asked her who she marrying. She thought about it for a while, and then said, "Buppie."


Anonymous says:

I loved the story about Buppie, the restaurant owner, and the photo he kept of the girls. They are incredible kids. I can just picture A coming down in her “wedding towel.” So cute.

Anonymous says:

Buppie didn’t give the photo because 1) it is absolutely adorable and she didn’t want to part with it, and 2) she felt it was the parents’ perogative to give out photos.
Buppie would be delighted to marry Alexa.

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