I feel like these days are flying by. Here is a typical day:
6:30-7 – Girls wake up. M has been getting up early lately. She comes downstairs and watches Quickpitch on ESPN and has breakfast. Then A comes down and eats.
7:30-7:45 – Girls leave for school. They walk to the bus stop, sometimes accompanied by me or Daddy. They text us when they get on the bus and then when they get off.
8-8:15 – Girls arrive at school.
7:15-8:15 – N wakes up and round #2 starts. He has breakfast and hangs out while we shower and get ready for work.
9:05 – Leave to take N to school. Drop him off at his classroom at 9:15.
Then Daddy and I go to work. Sometimes Daddy goes in earlier and occasionally I do too.
12:15 – Imogene picks up N from school.
3:15 – Girls finish school. Most days they come straight home and are home by around 4. Tuesdays and Fridays A is now going to Dance Club after school. Soon Chug Ivrit will start and they will go straight to TS on Wednesdays at 5.
6:15ish – M goes to ballet on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. She doesn't get out til 8:30. Crazy!
5:30 Fridays – A has soccer practice.
We also fit piano lessons in there somewhere. These weeks are very busy.
I arrive home around 6:30 and help with homework and get N bathed. Daddy just started his new job so we don't know yet when he will arrive home, but hopefully around 7 so he can help with that stuff too. I try to make dinner when I get home and most days I do.
8:45ish – N down for bed. Some days it's later.
10:30 – Girls go to bed after homework and practicing.
Long days!!
Wishing everyone an easy fast tomorrow.