Unexpected Day Off

You can't make this stuff up.

Someone flew a two-seater plane into some electrical wires here in Maryland last night, and as a result 80,000 people were out of power (not us). That led to a number of MCPS schools having no power, which led to the entire district having no school today. 

So, instead of N having CCNN and clarinet and classes today, he slept in a little and then had a Table 2 playdate with Ayan and Miranda and Mackenzie. They were very independent! They met at the playground, then walked to the diner on Brookville, then went back to Miranda's. They even hung out at Miranda's alone for a little while when her dad took her brother to an appointment. N had a great time and wasn't even sad to miss clarinet and CCNN. 

Back to school tomorrow.

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