Up and Back

We went to Detroit today! We flew up this morning – M, A, Grandma S and me – and came back tonight. It was a long day but a lot of fun. We saw Great-Grandma Gussie and her extended family – Ralph and Bobbie, 4 of Bobbie’s kids, and Ralph’s wife Erika and two of their grandsons. It was very special to be able to take M & A to Grandma Gussie’s house and have them meet her. I hope that she enjoyed it as much as we did.

The girls did great on the flights and all of the various travel hurdles – security, car rental shuttle, moving sidewalks. One of my favorite memories was M pulling her Dora suitcase on wheels through BWI. She was a trooper today, insisting on wheeling it all the way from the gate to the car. There are some other funny memories from today, but I am too tired to conjure them up at the moment – it’s been a long day. I will try to get some photos of Grandma Gussie up on tomorrow’s post.

One thing that is coming to mind is a song that M sang in the airplane as we were waiting to deplane at BWI. She kept singing, "I am wearing pants! I am wearing pants!" over and over again. I told her I liked the song but I suggested that she think of some other lyrics. She thought for a while, and started in with "I am wearing a shirt! I am wearing a shirt!" then right into "I am wearing panties! I am wearing panties!" and finally "I am wearing shoes! I am wearing shoes!". The people in rows 26 and 25 got a chuckle out of that.

Tomorrow is the first day of school! I will report back tomorrow. A has a slight fever – 100.9 – hopefully it will be gone by the morning.

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