“Up in the Air, Junior Birdman!”

We did something unusual today – separate activities with the girls. A really wanted to see "The Princess and the Frog", and M adamantly did not. So, I took A to see the movie, and Daddy took M to a play of "The Little Engine That Could" and then to paint pottery. We met up for Vietnamese food after the movie, which was met with mixed feelings by M&A. In retrospect, it was a good thing M didn't go to the movie – she would not have liked it. Too many scary parts.

This morning, M&A had a needlepoint lesson from Nana, whch they enjoyed a lot. They also saw Emily and Grampy, who was singing a silly song all morning called "Up In The Air, Junior Birdman". It has been in our heads all day. Thanks to Nana for the lesson!

Tomorrow is our last day of vacation. It has been a long vacation, but it has also flown by.


a says:

I love reading about how M and A have such different likes and dislikes. Their individual personalities are certainly developing, which is so healthy. Each of your girls are growing into wonderful young ladies. It’s so great that they will always have “each other” and I predict they will always be “best friends”.
Aunt Ann

My parents used to sing that song to me with funny hand goggles over their eyes. Hahah.

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