Update From Austin

I haven't posted in a few days. On Friday, Daddy and I went to a very fancy dinner that took a long time. It was many, many courses long and we were there for almost 3 hours. But quite delicious! When we got home, the girls were still up! So we got to see them. They had a good Friday – a playdate with Lily after school and Imogene babysitting.

Saturday, they had ballet and rehearsal. In between, we went out to Rockviulle and got some spring clothes for them. They picked out some cute outfits. A picked jean shorts, which she has never wanted to wear before, and they each picked some cute dresses and skirts.

We also went to the library and said that we were sorry but that we couldn't find the outstanding Katy Kazoo book that was overdue. Apparently it is library amnesty week (month?) and they just expunged it from my record! Maybe it will show up at some point – I feel like either I already returned it and it didn't get checked in, or it's somewhere in the house.

We went out for dinner in the neighborhood and Julia came over to babysit (not Julia M, but Julia B – Sarah, if you're reading this – she was your good friend at Sheridan). The girls had a lot of fun with her and were up – again -when we got home!

Today I left early to go to BWI to fly to Austin. I am here for SXSW and will be here until Tuesday. I think this is my last trip. It's great to be here but hard on my body and I need to take it as easy as possible. I will say that it rained torrentially for the last 3 days and it's sunny today, so I am glad I came today and not earlier! I've run into some old friends here and met up intentionally with others – this is definitely a great conference for me.

OK, off to bed. I am so happy to be horizontal!

1 comment

Sarah W says:

Hi Aunt Gayle! I remember Julia! We are friends on Facebook 🙂 Thanks so much for the shout out :)) Love to all!

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