Update from San Diego

We are here in San Diego! We arrived yesterday after an uneventful flight from Dulles. We're staying in Mission Bay, which is a little bit north of the city. Today we went to the San Diego Zoo, which was huge and very impressive. A's favorite animals were the squirrel monkeys, and M's was "I don't know!". We walked around for the first few hours, and then took a tour bus around the zoo.

We came back to the hotel around 4 after a quick jaunt up to La Jolla to see the beach. The girls then went swimming (!) for almost 2 hours. I was sitting out there in a winter coat, bundled up, while they went back and forth from the pool to the hot tub several times. I can't believe they went in that water – I would NEVER have done that. But they had a great time. They have had a nice hot bath and now we're going to head downtown to the Gaslamp district for dinner. We're all tired and hungry and on east coast time.

Tomorrow is Disneyland, so an early morning and likely a LONG day.

Before I forget, we also had a fun Christmas Day. We went to Nana and Grampy's where Jonathan and Liz and Sarah and Rachel had just arrived. It was a very fun evening with lots of gifts and a delicious dinner. Grampy is feeling better but still pretty tired.

A got this hat from Nana and wore it on our trip yesterday. She got a lot of cute comments,.


OK, signing off from the beautiful city of San Diego.



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