Update on N’s Many Talents

Here are some new things that the Little Boy is doing.

1. Walking upright and only holding one hand of a larger person. He will likely be walking on his own soon!

2. Not allowing Mommy to see or feel the two new little teeth coming in next to his top front teeth.

3. Waving "bye-bye"

4. Crying when left alone in his crib at night before bed.

5. Throwing lots of food overboard for the Little Dog.

6. Moving his bath toys around methodically – pushing them off the walls of the bathtub to the floor on the other side, or trying to put them in the soap dish in the wall of the bath, one after the other.

7. Opening the cabinets in the kitchen and taking out what's inside, and removing items from the girls' art cart.

8. Pulling books off his book shelf.

9. Crawling with things in his hand so that he makes a loud noise with each hand planted.

10. Rejecting almost all food served to him on a spoon.

11. Laughing and smiling at this sisters.

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