Updates from Camp

Here are some updates. From M's unit leader:

Dear ST parents,
We are officially started with the last week of camp, and we are cherishing every moment we have together! Yesterday, we had a great day! During the morning, the girls had workshops and choice periods. After lunch they all went to the pool to swim and tan. In addition, after dinner they had a special speaker from the Alexander Muss High School in Israel program. This program is in Israel, and is an opportunity to spend a semester during high school studying in Israel. After the speaker, the STs all dressed up by a theme of beST friends and watched the musical that drama department worked on this session—Singing in the Rain! It was so much fun, and it is incredible that they made it work in only two weeks!
Today, we had a special ST lunch, during which we all wrote gratitude notes to each other and enjoyed a special time of togetherness. After lunch, a few CAs joined us and we had a panel about CA summer and the differences from ST summer. It was very helpful and built a lot of anticipation for next summer.

Tonight we attended film fest that was created by the multimedia department and after we played twiSTer in a messy version with shaving cream and food dye–it was a blast! I can’t wait to see al the great memories we are going to make in the next couple of days.

And from A today via text:

We just did the scene

And we did rly well

The director came in for everyone and talked to them individually about how to get more into their scenes and technical errors they did and stuff like that

And we went to us in our scene and just said great job I don’t have any notes just keep doing what you’re doing these next takes

And some people continuously retook the same shot

Everyone did

Like lala land did 7 takes  in one position

And for us they did a wide shot, a close up, medium, and one from the ceiling, and from every shot they did we only did it once and moved on

Which doesn’t happen

So that was awesome

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