Updates from N

We got more letters from N over the weekend! Very exciting. Here are the notable points:

  • His canoe trip was about 30 miles
  • His friends Jack and David went on the trip
  • He got a tick bite (we’ve learned that he’s fine)
  • The new camp director is doing well
  • He needs a warm blanket because he’s chilly at night (one is on its way)
  • He signs his letters “Dear, Nate” which is the cutest thing ever

His quiz bowl certificates came in the mail.

M is working hard on planning the 4th of July party she’s having here. We are hoping it won’t be too big!

Here is M doing gimp during the fire drill we experienced during a play at Round House. She always has gimp with her!

And here are some pics of the store! Amy and I got in there today (and M and snuck in there last night). It’s big!