Updates on N

A couple funny Nate-isms…

He calls balloons "baboons", and instead of correcting him, I reinforce it because it's so cute.

Whenever there is commotion somewhere, he runs over and says, "What happened, Ada? What happened, Maddie?"

He loves to play with stickers.

He ate more dinner tonight – meatballs – than I've seen him eat in weeks.

Every morning when he wakes up, "Play iPad?" He loves a game where you stack up pieces of a tower of something and complete it (and then baboons appear). My favorite one is a fruit truck. He likes to stack it up – "watermelons, pineapple, strawberry!" – and then the truck drives away. He says, "Mama – it drive away!!"

He LOVES the book Animal ABCs and reads it every night. He can recite every line, even though he doesn't understand them. "Ibex think mountains are ideal." "Raccoons have masks like robbers."

He is sleeping with his alphabet sampler in his bed.

I uploaded a really cute video of N from bath tonight but I am having weird YouTube issues. I will post it tomorrow.


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