Updates on N

Some updates on N today.

1. His top two teeth are coming in! They are coming in at the same time. I got a peek at them today (N doesn't let me get much of a look in there.) There is a gap between them, and I think he has an attached frenum, just like A did. I see a stressful day about 7 1/2 years in our future… (Remember this one? http://piggyandbunny.typepad.com/manda/2012/09/happy-new-year.html).

2. N crawled about 10 steps tonight! Real crawling, not the commando style creeping he's been doing. As soon as I got excited about it and called the girls in to see, he went back on his belly and started creeping again. But it was so cute to see.

3. Tonight A gave N a "Bieber 'do". She combed it so that it would look like the Bieb's hairstyle, but I think he looked just like N.

4. Here is a cute story. N and I were reading in the chair before bed. I read him a book about owls, and then he started getting restless and squirmy. He wanted to sit on the floor. I put him down, and he started taking books off the bottom shelf of the changing table. He took 3 books off, looked at them briefly, and then put them on the floor. Finally he got to "That's Not My Dinosaur", which he held onto, looked at the front, and then looked at me. I picked him up and we got back in the chair and read the book. SO CUTE and SO SMART! I am very impressed with N and think that he is brilliant.

5. Last night I washed a bunch of toys for N from the consignment sale. He likes them a lot. Here are a few of them:





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