Various and Sundry Tuesday Stories

I was home today. I took the girls to a makeup ballet class, since their teacher was sick last week for the last class of the session. She’s been trying to teach them how to skip. I cannot tell you how cute it is to watch them do their version of skipping across the room. Neither M nor A skips exactly right – they both skip lopsided and tend to jump at the wrong time. It is the most adorably humorous thing to watch.

Tonight, M&A wrote their first piece of fan mail, to the Dream Jam Band. That’s the band that came to their school last December. We listen to them all the time and we wrote them an email to tell them which were M&A’s favorite songs and to ask where they live and whether they will be in town again anytime soon.

I traveled for work yesterday and on my way home, I bought the girls two Hello Kitty Pez dispensers at the airport. We talked about them all day today and I said they could open them after dinner. When we did, I discovered that M’s dispenser was bent at the bottom and didn’t work. I was so sad for her. I told her that it was broken and that I was very sad. She looked at me and said, "It’s OK, Mommy, I can get another treat. Really, it’s OK. I’m sorry." WHAT A SWEETIE! I told her there was no reason for her to be sorry! She is very mature.

Girls didn’t want to take a bath tonight. I said OK.

I got them another ballet book from the library, called Rosie’s Ballet Slippers. It’s about a little girl and her first day of ballet lessons. Needless to say, A loves it. She spent about 15 minutes alone on her bed tonight, just flipping through it.

Right now they are in bed singing "Rock A Bye Your Bear".

Tomorrow is Pajama Day! We don’t need to get dressed tomorrow AM!

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