Very Full Plates

We are in the middle of a very full weekend. It's like a perfect storm of activities. The girls kicked off their Nutcracker rehearsals, with 2 1/2 hours yesterday and 1 1/2 today. They are two of only 8 Level 1B girls in the soldiers group; the rest are level 2 (or higher?). We are very proud of them. They also had ballet yesterday and Sunday School this morning (which they left early for ballet). On top of that, M has a game today – she missed practice yesterday – and we have Mother Daughter Book Club this afternoon. M is missing it for her baseball game. The book was Blubber. In addition to all of that, I had the consignment sale for half the day yesterday, where I cashiered. I came home with a whole wardrobe of unbelievably cute stuff for N. And tonight Daddy and I are going to a concert – Peter Gabriel.

Here is the apparent hierarchy of importance of activities, meaning if there is a conflict, the higher activity trumps:

Nutcracker Rehearsal

Ballet Class

Baseball Game

Baseball Practice

Book Club

Sunday School

Poor Sunday School – always last. I have heard rumors of a birthday party next weekend – we will see where the party fits in in the hierarchy. It should be noted that Sunday School and Book Club never compete due to timing, nor do Ballet Class and Sunday School.

Meanwhile little N tries to get his naps in when he can, and he gets toted from activity to activity. Yesterday while I was at the sale, Daddy had brunch with his cousin Nancy, who was visiting her daughter from Buffalo. And last night we all went to a kind of random wedding reception for a friend of Daddy's. Not the most kid-friendly place but we did fine.

One little anecdote I keep meaning to share: when I put N in his bathtub, he almost always pees. Usually it's a tall arc from the middle of the tub outside the tub to the bathtub itself. (Why M&A haven't objected to this yet, I don't know.) To date, N has never noticed his peeing. However, because he pees up into the air right at his eye level, and because he is getting so observant and loves to watch me pour water on him in the tub, I think it is just a matter of time before he notices the peeing. I can't wait to see the look on his face!


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