Virtual Orchestra

After I got home from work tonight, the girls settled into activites that were quite characteristic of them. M started a complicated art project that involved glitter glue, pom poms, and foam stickers. She meticulously placed the foam stickers and pom poms onto a piece of paper, ordering them just so, with neat little mountains of glitter glue to hold them down.  Despite my imploring her many times that it was time to stop and go upstairs for bed, she wanted to wait until she had placed each sticker exactly where she wanted them before ending the project.

A, on the other hand, grabbed a long foam tube that can be made into many shapes and kept turning it into different instruments from the orchestra – clarinet, drum, piano – and then playing it, entertaining both me and M. She flitted from one instrument to the next, then put the tube near her rear end and said it was a big poop. Lovely.

Books tonight: Joseph Had a Little Overcoat and Mike Mulligan and the Steam Shovel, which only lasted about 5 pages.

1 comment

rachel says:

dear aunt gayle
i think when i was little my dd read to me those books. the blog that was before this one about the long day… well the stuff that M&A got from the store on the blog was that the same stuff that they were useing on the project?
love racel

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