Visitors from the North

Today Mommy had a playdate. Her friends Mary and Tracy came down from Philly and NY to visit and to meet Baby N and see the girls. We had a very nice time.

Highlights from the visit:

  • While Mary and Tracy were here – in a 20 minute stretch – N went through 5 diapers, 4 poops, a massive spitup, a new onesie, and lots of fussing. He was much calmer the rest of the day!
  • Lucky got more attention than he's had in months, courtesy of Tracy, who has a beagle mix of her own named Lady.
  • Mary brought some fun gifts for the girls, including some invisible ink pens and some candy tongue tattoos, which are exactly what they sound like.
  • N made out well too, with some cute Patagonia clothes and a soft cube that makes animal sounds.
  • M&A played their flute and guitar for Mary and Tracy.

Here are some photos:





Tonight, the girls and N and I went to Broad Branch Market (surprise!) for ice cream. It was hot but we enjoyed our lazy summer night.

M has been complaining that her gums hurt so we are seeing the dentist tomorrow to see what's going on.

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