Another up and down day today, though the girls seem to have weathered it OK. No tears that I know of. I find the worst part of the day is coming home (no Allie to look forward to) and at night, when I am on the couch where she used to curl up next to me. The girls had a playdate after school and we did it at our house (instead of their friend's house) so that they wouldn't have to put on a brave face at someone else's house.
Tomorrow is Back to School night, which I am looking forward to. I think homework, etc. will start next week.
Still missing the pup immensely. I said goodbye to her as I left the house this morning, as I did every morning. "Bye, Allie! See you tonight. Love you, sweet girl."
I know it’s difficult to lose a loved one, and Allie was such a sweet dog. It takes time to get over the loss, and eventally things will be easier for all of you. I wish all of you well.
Lots of love,
Aunt Ann
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