Wednesday Wrapup

A is better. Yay! Today she got to go swimming in her friend Lila’s wading pool – same pool, different backyard. She told Imogene, "I am so happy that I am feeling better."

Lots of whining from M when I got home from work, mostly because she wanted to wear pajamas with snowflakes on them, which, shockingly, no summer pajamas have on them. But she got better after I asked her to try to be a little nicer.

A is using big girl toothpaste, which means the kind you don’t swallow. M has been using it for a while.

A doesn’t like the vitamins I bought. Perhaps next time I will splurge on the non-CVS brand vitamins.

Tired tonight.

I have FINALLY uploaded the birthday photos – my favorites are below. Next it’s beach and NY photos.

4bday1 4bday2 4bday3

Bday7 4bday5 4bday6 4bday7_5

1 comment

Anonymous says:

There’s no doubt about it. M and A are absolutely gorgeous. The photos are wonderful. Thanks for sharing them. I’m so happy to learn that A feels better. I send love to all of you.
Aunt Ann

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