Week 1 Of School Is Over

We have a busy weekend ahead. 3 birthday parties (plus one we can't go to because it conflicts), first ballet class, and ballet orientation. Should be a lot of fun.

Tonight, M & A and I made mobiles using some of the animals they have made with fused beads. I bought wood dowels at the store today and made Xs out of them, then hung the animals using clear plastic lanyard cords. Now we have to figure out how to hang the mobiles. I will take photos when they are up.

Another good day at school. The girls seem very happy there. They came home with little necklaces from their teacher for being good girls this week.

Much discussion about the Halloween costume catalog.

M has started washing the dishes! She uses a stepstool I bought for the kitchen. SO CUTE.

1 comment

a says:

You have exceptional girls. It’s good to know that they like school and are doing so well there. It sounds like they have a great kindergarten teacher. Making a mobile is lots of fun, and all of you are very creative.
Aunt Ann

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