Weekend and Photos

We had a good weekend. Yesterday I took the girls to ballet, then to lunch at Potomac Pizza, and then for haircuts. As the girls and I discussed, Potomac Pizza is halfway between ballet and the haircut place, on the same street, and so it was an excellent choice for lunch (made by both girls). Then we stopped at Trader Joe's before heading home.

At home, I did a lot of straightening up, which needed so badly to be done. It was a good feeling. I went for a run, and Daddy and the girls made birthday cards for Imogene, whose birthday is tomorrow.

We had a new babysitter last night – Rachel. Sounds like all went well! They played 10 rounds of Find the Penny.

Today, we went to the Purim Carnival at TS. We arrived late, which was apparently a smart move, as all of the friends we saw there today seemed to have aged three years just from the chaos of the morning. We spent an inordinate amount of money buying tickets so that the girls could win very small stuffed animals, some bubbles, and a bag of marbles. However, I was struck by how many of our friends were there. We really have a nice little community at TS and I feel so happy that we joined. I am not religious, and don't get much out of the place spiritually, but I really enjoy the people we've met and the friends the girls have made.

Tonight we had Taco Night – a big hit! Grandma Sandy came over and we had a good time.

Here are a bunch of photos taken this weekend:


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Here are M&A's Statues of Liberty (referenced earlier this week):



The girls made these cute pictures of themselves at school:



And another school project for MLK day (M: My dream or the world is to make people happy. A: My dream for the world is to make sure people have a good life.):



This is A's report on Jackie Joyner-Kersee. (M presented hers on Friday, before I could take a photo of it!):



Some butterfly pictures that are quite lovely:


Some pics M&A took tonight of Grandma Sandy; Piggy/Bunny/Snuffy/Cousin Bunny; Baby/Blankie; and M's needlepoint project):






1 comment

a says:

This is a very special blog. The photos are outstanding, showing how talented M and A are at drawing. Grandma Sandy looks fabulous.
It’s nice to see “baby” and “blankie” and all the others “things” again, as well as M’s needlepoint. What lovely things the girls wrote on MLK day. I’m so proud of them.
Aunt Ann

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