I haven't done a "By the Numbers" post in a while, so here goes…
This weekend by the numbers.
Movies seen: 1 (The Peanuts Movie – me, A and N)
Ballet classes and rehearsals: 4 (which leads to many many hours of ballet)
Puzzles done in the last week by N: 6
Muddy soccer games played: 1
Actual meals eaten by N: maybe 2?
Poops on the potty by N: 1
Books brought down from the attic, reflecting N's evolving comprehension: 20
Days past Halloween that we cleared out the decorations: 8
Food made today: waffles (Daddy), eggs (Daddy), peanut butter balls, quinoa bites, banana bread, sausage/polenta and asparagus.
It has been a long and busy weekend!