Weekend by the Pictures

This was a good and productive weekend. Here's a wrapup:

Last night the girls had an EXCELLENT new babysitter! Emily Ellis, the prima ballerina, came to babysit. She was great! The girls really enjoyed her, and she loved them too. She was also great wth N, who had a very odd sleeping day yesterday. He slept from 11AM – 1:45PM, then from 7-9:45, and then down for good at 11. Emily handled it beautifully.

They had a playdate yesterday with Katie K., after ballet and some errands. We got Valentines, and M has been personalizing each valentine for her class (55 people!) with their first initial in glitter. (Glitter – grrr.)

Today after Sunday School, Grandma Sandy took the girls on a tour of the Kennedy Center for their monument project. They got to go on the Opera House stage! They need to list 10 facts about the KC for their report by Friday.

Tonight was the Super Bowl. M&A weren't that into it, but they liked the halftime show with Beyonce and some of the commercials (though they weren't all that great).

Some photos…

Kennedy Center today:

Here is N tonight petting Lucky:

Daddy with his medals from the State Department: