Weekend In Photos

Kids all had busy weekends.

N is coming off of a 4 day weekend. We had great parent- teacher conferences on Friday, and his teachers said great things about him, how he's doing, and how he's fitting in at GDS. He had Carter over for a few hours yesterday, we got him some upgraded clarinet accessories, we went to Trader Joe's, he played pickleball and ping-pong with Dad, and he had a Weiswasser grandparent day on Friday – piano lesson and hanging out with Grandma and dinner/Shark Tank with Grampy. He has also started weightlifting at home and likes to do curl-to-press and bicep curls multiple times a day.



M had a busy weekend at Princeton, including hosting a friend from Taiwan (for perhaps too long). Here she is dressed as Rocky the Squirrel:


A had a busy weekend at USC too. It was Homecoming (?) and she went to some parties yesterday before USC lost, sadly, to U-Dub. She also got accepted into an acting club and saw Pippin today, which she did crew for and which she loved!

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Dad is off to the west coast for a week – left tonight, home next Sat.

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