Weekend in Review

It was a fairly calm weekend around here. Activities: ballet, Sunday School, and baseball clinic. We made some progress on book reports – A is halfway done with her rough draft and M and I picked out all of the optical illusions she's going to feature. A and I decided that the Mason jars we bought for her acoustics experiment weren't ideal, so we bought some Nantucket Nectars bottles that we may use instead. We did some spelling bee prep tonight (favorite words: BRIC-A-BRAC, EXTINGUISH, LEONINE). And Daddy and the girls played Scrabble last night, with the girls ekeing (eking?) out a narrow victory. I played roving coach.

N is just a bundle of joy, except when he's at the supermarket, when he's a little less happy. He came to brunch with me this morning with a friend and was a delight! So cute. He's talking up a storm, even if it's babbling, and he get very frustrated when we don't understand him. It frustrates us too! But he's very logical and usually manages to get his thoughts across. Now if he could just tell us where he put the Netflix envelope…

Big week ahead – Daddy has important meetings tomorrow, the Spelling Bee is on Tuesday, book reports are due Friday, and A has a test on Friday too, I think. And Battle of the Books is underway, so there is a lot going on.


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