Weekend Report

So much for slowing down in the 8th month! We had a jampacked weekend, as always, with lots of activities and stuff going on.

Friday I left work a little early and went to M's baseball game. I missed her first at-bat (she was #1 in batting order and I was a few minutes late), but I caught her second (a single line drive toward third), and lots of good plays in the field (she played 1st and then 3rd base). After the game, M went downtown with Daddy while he got his hair cut (she got a manicure!) and they brought dinner home to a very tired Mommy. I picked up A from a playdate and we all met up back at home.

In other news from Friday – Captain looks good, heartrate/blood pressure/weight all OK. I am still measuring a few weeks ahead due to the two fibroids, which make my uterus a lot bigger than it would be if they were not there. The OB said that I was much bigger in the beginning compared to my due date, but that the growth has slowed down a little. We are still looking at first/second week of June for a scheduled C.

Saturday, the girls went to ballet, and then we came home and spent some time going through the girls' dresser and all of their stuffed animals. It's funny, they used to have TONS of animals on their beds – so many that they barely fit. And then we took them off the bed when the Lice Plague arrived, and they never wanted them back. So we went through and got rid of about half of them. They still don't really want them back on their beds, but we are saving them anyway. They do NOT want them being shared with the Captain.

[Incidentally, A just came downstairs wearing a pair of boots I took out of her closet – snow boots that would fit a 4 or 5 year old. She loves wearing clothes that are like 5 sizes too small for her. Now she has Maki Onuki's toe shoes on INSIDE the boots.]

After ballet, M headed out for baseball practice with Daddy, and Grampy came and met them there and did some practice with M after it ended.

We all went to dinner at our friend Amy's house. It was fun and very loud, with 6 kids running around! Oh, and in the middle there, we went and test-drove a car. To say that the girls had sticker shock would be an understatement. 🙂

Today was a bleak and rainy day here. Daddy and I spent a lot of the day at a memorial service/reception for the mother of a close friend, which was very sad. The girls had a fun day though – M went to Sunday School and a playdate at her friend Alli's house, and A went to Sunday School and then her Teacher's Treat outing which we won at the auction. She went to paint pottery and apparently also ate: a bag of gummy bears, part of a Coke, and a Yogiberry with 2 toppings. She has beeh hyper ever since. But she said she had a great day – even went so far as to call it "the best day of her life". When pressed, she downgraded it to "one of the best days of my life", which made us happy considering we were barely with her today until after she got home!

After Teacher's Treat and playdate, we went to Grandma Sandy's house to eat spaghetti. It was a very nice way to cap off the weekend and especially an emotional day. And now I am home on the couch, where I end up most nights by 8 PM.

Daddy is leaving tomorrow for 4 nights, but we are all hoping this is his last big trip for a few months.

Ok, signing off. I hope I didn't miss anything major from the last few days – was simply too tired to post at night.




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