Another crazy weekend.
Here was the to-do list, and how it worked out.
Soccer game – A's team tied, 2-2. They played great, and A got the award for "Having Fun"
Ballet class – uneventful. They are doing Harry Potter team competitions and A is on Griffendore and M is on Hufflepuff. It has made ballet class a lot of fun.
2 Nutcracker rehearsals – uneventful. Rumor is that they will be in Ruby cast, which includes opening and closing nights.
Fall Festival – fun, though the girls are outgrowing it a bit. I have lots of pics and videos to share. N had a lot of fun.
Get pumpkins – finally, today we did this. Got 2 HUGE pumpkins and one regular sized one and two very small ones.
Sunday School (will likely be skipped) – skipped.
Baseball game – didn't go so well. Big loss. But no injuries this week. 🙂
A's class dinner for parents – went fine. We talked to some parents we knew and met A's teacher's boyfriend.
Make M's Halloween costume – this is halfway done. We've done the front but not the back or the elastic yet.
See Tuvana, who is in town! – short and sweet! Sadly, N was very cranky, thanks to a tooth that broke through today. So he wasn't his best. But it was great to see Tuvana!
Dinner at Grandma's house – delicious! Thank you!
So that's the writeup.
Some pics!
A's Rainbow Loom pumpkins:
M at bat:
Pics Tuvana took at the soccer game:
Will post pics from the fair tomorrow, as well as A's Rainbow Loom video!