Weekend Update

Busy weekend!


Baseball – game and practice. M scored ANOTHER home run – line drive to third base. She also had a single and a few pop flies that were unfortunately caught. She ALSO got to play catcher – here are some pics:



And here is A cheering M's team on. Grampy came too to cheer M on, despite not feeling well.


Sunday School.

Book report drafts. (A is doing The Lemonade War and M is doing Candymakers).

Duct tape collages.

Cuteness from N. And lots of sleeping yesterday – three hour nap in the AM and 12 hours overnight, but very little sleeping today.

Speaking of N, he is just getting cuter and cuter! He's so sweet- what a good baby. And he's fun and smiley and seems to love looking around at the world.

Thank you to Grandma Sandy for coming over tonight and helping with dinner, bath and book reports!

Here are some pics of N – all taken by M:






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