Weekend Update

Busy weekend, as always. Gymnastics. Errands. Cupcakes. Brunch at a friend’s. Playdate with Addie. All in all, the girls were in great moods this weekend and cuter than ever. Smiley and laughing a lot, saying funny things. Affectionate with us and mostly sweet with each other. What more can you ask for?

What stands out in my mind:

M’s new shirt that I got on eBay bundled with a cute skirt – it says "Rock Princess" in glitter on it. It’s the type of shirt that almost made me pass on bidding on the outfit, but I thought the skirt was cute and we need skirts. Of course, M took an immediate liking to it and has worn it twice already.

In the bath tonight, A said, "I need something in my bath. I need a watering can. No, I don’t need a watering can, I need an orange. No, I don’t need an orange, I need a duck. No, I don’t need a duck, I need a tractor," and on and on, with a list of very entertaining and random objects.

Girls did great at gymnastics yesterday, as usual.

Now they want to sleep in our bed every night. I have to keep it as a special treat.

Buppie babysat last night and Grampy stopped over tonight to give me a birthday present. We are all so lucky to be near each other.

OK, early flight tomorrow so I am signing off.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Very entertaining. M and A say such cute things. They sound so “grown up”. Love your blog and never fail to read it. Thanks.

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