Weekend Vignettes In Photos

Lots of fun things happened this weekend.

I took N to the pool for the first time today. He was very tentative at first – didn't even want to get in – but by the end, he was standing in the pool and doing a little splashing in the fountain. Hoepfully he will be even more confident the next time we go.

Daddy took N to the playground today and he went on the slide with A. Some pics:




M did something today that was very M-like. She discovered a large plastic bin full of birthday cards, Valentines, etc. that the girls have received over the last 5 years or so. She decided to go through the bin, and the next thing we knew, she was organizing it into piles by recipient. Grandma Dina will be happy to know that her pile was the largest, as she never forgets to send a card for any occasion – Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc. Here is M organizing the cards:

Photo 1

Photo 3

Photo 4

M isn't feeling great so we are watching TAR in our bed, all 4 of us. It's very cozy.

N is identifying colors now, and repeating words. Today I put the wrong shoes on him, and he said, "Too small!" He's not eating much at all – hasn't for the last few months, actually – but his cold and cough are better. He's been smiley and snuggly today and did find with the time change today.

A is building a large house on Minecraft. It is underwater, and has a movie theater and a kitchen with lots of cookies and many couches.

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